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Family Photo Gallery

The family at the CMP's Small Arms Firing School at Camp Perry Ohio (Jul 12)

The family at a Steeler game in Washington DC (Oct 11)

The family at the big VCU dropoff

(Aug 10)

The Miller Family during the big December 09 snowstorm (Dec 09)

The family at the Washington Monument (Dec 08)

The Family around the Christmas tree (Dec 07)

The Millers at an unknown monument in Paris (Apr 06)

The Family at the Longues Battery in Normandy, France (Apr 06)

The family at the Tower of London with the Tower Bridge in the Background

(Nov 05)

The family with Big Ben in the background

(Nov 05)

The family with Stonehenge in the background

(Nov 05)

The family on Capri, Italy

(Aug 04)

The family at Eppstein Castle overlooking the town

(Jul 03)

The family at Miller Park in Milwaukee

(Jul 02)

The family and the yard of the month at Ft Bragg

(Jul 01)

The family photo attempt at Ft Bragg

(Dec 00)

The family at Kennywood Park

(Jul 99)

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This site was last updated 12/24/12